Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Emo Fashion

    Some tips about emo fashions

    • the Emo Romulan look - short, thick, greasy, dyed-black hair with bangs cut straight across the forehead, and cut high over the ears. Someone from Time In Malta recently described to me the San Diego Crimson Curse scene as "Spock Rock."
    • actually, any greasy dyed black hair. Bangs in front and spikes in back is very emo too.
    • horn-rim glasses, or at least thick black frames.
    • bald head, furry face (boys only). Goes especially well with horn-rims.
    • heavy slacks, often too tight and short.
    • thin, too-small polyester button-ups in dark colors, or threadbare children's size t-shirts with random slogans. Button the collar if you got one.
    • clunky black shoes
    • scarves
    • gas station jackets. This has diffused a lot over the years though, it's no longer exclusive to emo kids. Nowadays, you may want to select a nice corduroy denim jacket.
    • also classic outerwear but quickly diffusing to normality: the famous Blue Peacoat
    • barrettes on boys
    • make-up (male or female)
    • too-small cardigans and v-neck sweaters
    • argyle
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Emo Fashion

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Emo Boys

    YES, the major difference between emos and scenesters are their attitude. But I don't believe all 'scene kids' have an original personality, as you say 'dont follow the personality'. Yea, they dont follow the emo personality. But they still have one they mostly all have.. they think highly of themselves.

    Another difference is, emos are generally natured to black. Scene kids love colors. Rainbows, neon colors..anything and everything!(Although I see emos starting to like rainbows now..xD)

    Another thing is the 'obsessions'. Emos love, mostly Jack Skellington, and such things as that. While Scene kids are more into the look of say, Sanrio characters, like Hello Kitty. And also, Gloomy Bear is a big thing for them.

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Emo Boys

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Emo Girls

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Emo Girls

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Emo Wallpapers

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Emo Wallpapers

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